浙江海洋大学船舶与海运学院,浙江 舟山 316022
Cause analysis of collision accidents of offshore fishing vessels based on Bayesian networks
ZHANG Manling, DING Tianming, DING Chaojun, AI Wanzheng
School of Naval Architecture and Maritime, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316022, China
Abstract: To reduce the probability of collisions between fishing vessels in the vicinity of the coast and ensure the safety of fishing vessel navigation, an analysis of the causes of these collisions is conducted using the fishbone diagram method from the perspective of fishing vessels. The causes of the accidents are used as nodes in a Bayesian network for inference and validation. Posterior probability inference and sensitivity analysis are employed to explore the causal chain of accidents. The results indicate that human factors have the greatest impact on collisions involving fishing vessels near the coast, followed by management factors. Among the human factors, high sensitivity is observed for failure to display proper lights and signals, failure to take effective evasive actions, negligence in lookout, and inadequate crew qualifications. These factors have a significant impact on collisions involving fishing vessels in the vicinity of the coast.
Keywords: fishing boat; collision accident; fishbone diagram; Bayesian network; causation analysis