1.南昌交通学院 交通运输学院,江西 南昌 330100;
2.深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公司 江西分院,江西 南昌 330000
摘要:为测评城际约租车的服务质量,以顾客满意度为基础,结合城际约租客运服务现状确定影响服务质量的潜变量和显变量,采用Amos软件建立城际约租车服务质量测评结构方程模型(structural equation modeling,SEM)。以长沙—益阳城际约租车的服务质量测评为例,设计并发放调查问卷,通过SPSS软件检验问卷数据的信度与效度,根据模型拟合优度分析检验并修正模型,结合模型效用分析判断影响服务质量的主、次因素,针对主要影响因素,提出改善建议。结果表明:车况车貌对城际约租车的服务质量影响最大,改善车况车貌能提高城际约租客运的服务质量。
The service quality evaluation of intercity vehicle-using reservation based on structural equation model
GUO Yaran1, LI Yuqing2
1. Transportation College, Nanchang Jiaotong Institute, Nanchang 330100, China;
2. Jiangxi Branch, Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co.,Ltd., Nanchang 330000, China
Abstract:In order to evaluate the service quality of intercity vehicle-using reservation service, based on customer satisfaction and coupled with the current situation of intercity vehicle-using reservation service, the latent and explicit variables affecting the service quality are determined. Amos software is used to establish the structural equation modeling (SEM) of intercity vehicle-using reservation service quality. Taking the service quality evaluation of inter-city vehicle-using reservation between Changsha and Yiyang as the example,the questionnaires is designed and surveyed, and SPSS software is used to test reliability and validity of the questionnaire data, then SEM is adjusted according to the model test of goodness of fit analysis.The main and related factors influencing the service quality are decided based on the model utility analysis and its judgment, and followed improvement suggestions. The results show that the condition and appearance of vehicles have the greatest influence on the service quality of intercity vehicle-using reservation, and improving the condition and appearance of vehicles can enhance the service quality of intercity vehicle-using reservation service.
Keywords:intercity vehicle-using reservation;service quality;SEM;Amos software