

作者:姜涛,石岩,许佩佩,王敏,李耀  发布时间:2022-07-20   编辑:赵玉真   审核人:郎伟锋    浏览次数:



1.徐州徐工汽车制造有限公司,江苏 徐州  221000;2.南京航空航天大学 民航学院,江苏 南京  210016

摘要:研究重卡编队行驶的风阻及燃油经济性。采用计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)技术仿真分析两车、三车编队各位置车辆风阻系数随跟车距离的变化;对比单车仿真与风洞试验风阻系数,验证计算网格与物理模型的可靠性,计算编队状态下的各位置单车节油率及车队平均节油率。结果表明:编队状态下,跟车距离大于20 m后,首车失去减阻效果,其余车辆在跟车距离为45 m时,仍具备一定的减阻效果;随着跟车距离的增大,各车辆减阻效果衰减;跟车车辆节油率均优于首车,三车编队较两车编队节油效果效果更优。


Simulation of wind resistance and calculation of fuel saving rate of heavy truck formation driving

JIANG Tao1, SHI Yan1*, XU Peipei1, WANG Min1, LI Yao2

1.Xuzhou Xugong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Xuzhou 221600, China;

2. College of Civil Ariation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016, China

Abstract:The wind resistance and fuel economy of heavy truck formation are studied. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology is used to simulate and analyze the variation of the wind resistance coefficient of vehicles at each position of two vehicle and three vehicle formation with the following distance, the wind resistance coefficient of single vehicle simulation and wind tunnel test are compared, the reliability of the calculation grid and physical model are verified. The average fuel saving rate of vehicles at each position of the formation is calculated. The results show that when the following distance is more than 20 m, the first vehicle loses the drag reduction effect, and the other vehicles still have a certain drag reduction effect when the following distance is 45 m. With the increase of the following distance, the drag reduction effect of each vehicle decreases. The fuel saving rate of the following vehicle is better than that of the first vehicle, and the fuel saving effect of the three vehicle formation is better than that of the two vehicle formation.

Keywords: heavy truck;formation driving;wind resistance;simulation; fuel saving rate


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