1.山东交通学院交通土建工程学院,山东 济南 250357;
2.山东省齐河县交通运输局,山东 德州 251100;
3.山东羽然市政工程有限公司,山东 泰安 271099;
4.中国交通建设集团第三航务局,第一公司 上海 200020
Quality control index system of asphalt pavement withdegradable automobile exhaust
LI Mengchen1, ZHAO Zhizhong1*, HAN Fei2,
WANG Yanmin1, ZHOU Hao3, CHEN Wenkai4
1.School of Civil Transportation Engineering, Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan 250357,China;
2.Shandong Province Qihe County Transportation Bureau, Dezhou 251100, China;
3.Shandong Yuran Municipal Engineering Co.,Ltd., Taian 271099,China;
4.The Fist Company,Third Harbor Engineering Co.,Ltd. of China Communications Construction Group Shanghai 200020,China
Abstract: The lack of construction quality inspection and control leads to a large deviation of the degradation efficiency of asphalt pavement on automobile exhaust gas from the indoor test results during the actual construction process. A quality control index system needs to be established for the whole process of asphalt pavement degradation of automobile exhaust gas test. Combined with hierarchical analysis and expert evaluation method, a judgment matrix is established and weights are calculated for the influence factors of the initial screening of automobile exhaust degradation efficiency. According to the calculation results, the influencing factors are ranked, the final quality control indexes are screened, and the quality control system is established to realize the whole process quality control for the asphalt pavement degradation automobile exhaust gas test, so as to provide quality assurance for the future test and construction.
Keywords:quality control index; vehicle exhaust; degradation efficiency; asphalt pavement; quality control system