1.内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室,山东 潍坊 261061;2.潍柴动力股份有限公司,山东 潍坊 261061
摘要:针对非道路用、道路车机用和道路专用车用3种用途的某款发动机,通过试验分析喷油量、文丘里喉口直径、增压器执行器开启压力、环境温度、相对湿度5种参数偏差对NOx排放、烟度排放、燃油消耗率和爆发压力的影响。结果表明:喷油量正向偏差为0~0.5 kg/h时对道路专用车用NOx排放有显著影响,对其他2种用途的发动机性能无显著影响;文丘里喉口直径、增压器执行器开启压力对3种用途的发动机性能均无显著影响;在进气温度为35 ℃、相对湿度为80%时,温、湿度偏差对非道路用NOx排放和燃油消耗率有显著影响,对道路车机用烟度排放有显著影响。生产制造过程中,需结合具体用途,制定设计公差和生产控制措施,保证发动机的优良性能。
Influence of fuel injection quantity and other parameter deviations and environment on engine performance
LIU Shujie1,2, YANG Hailong1,2, ZHAI Hao1,2, FU Wei1,2, HUANG Guolong1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Engine Reliability,Weifang 261000, China;2.Weichai Power Co., Ltd., Weifang 261000, China
Abstract:Aiming at a certain engine used for three purposes: non road, on road and special vehicle, the influence of five parameter deviations of fuel injection rate, venturi throat diameter, turbocharger actuator opening pressure and ambient temperature and relative humidity on NOx emission, smoke intensity, fuel consumption rate and explosion pressure are analyzed. The results show that when the positive deviation of fuel injection quantity of special vehicles is 0-0.5 kg/h, the impact on NOx emission is significant. The venturi throat diameter and the opening pressure of the supercharger actuator have no obvious influence on the discharge. When the intake air temperature is 35 ℃ and the relative humidity is 80%, the influence of non road engine on NOx emission deviation rate and fuel consumption deviation rate is significant, and the influence of road vehicle on smoke deviation rate is significant. During the production and manufacturing process, design tolerance and production control measures shall be formulated in combination with specific applications to ensure the excellent performance of the engine.
Keywords:fuel injection quantity;throat diameter;opening pressure;temperature; relative humidity