上海交通大学动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室,上海 200240
摘要:针对增压柴油机运行过程中增压器压端出口处的机油结焦问题,以规格为CD 15W-40和CI-4 15W-40的柴油机机油为研究对象,在金属片结焦台架上进行模拟试验,研究机油在不同温度下的高温结焦规律,并对结焦产物进行显微红外光谱分析。结果表明:温度影响机油的高温结焦过程,机油结焦产物的质量随温度变化存在峰值;不同温度下机油结焦产物组成存在差异,温度越高,结焦产物的氧化程度越深。
Experimental study on the coking characteristics of engine oil based on thin film oxidation
YANG Shengyun, XIAO Jin*
Key Laboratory for Power Machinery and Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Abstract: Focusing on the issue of oil coking at the outlet of the compressor during the operation of a turborcharged diesel engine, a simulation test is conducted on a metal sheet coking bench using diesel engine oils of specifications CD 15W-40 and CI-4 15W-40 as the research objects. The high-temperature coking law of engine oil at different temperatures is studied, and the coking products are analyzed by microscopic infrared spectroscopy. The results indicate that temperature affects the high-temperature coking process of the oils, and there is a peak in the mass of coking products when the temperature changes. Moreover, the composition of the oil coking products differs at different temperatures, with a higher temperature leading to a greater degree of oxidation in the coking products.
Keywords: engine oil; turbocharged engine; high temperature; coke