上海机动车检测认证技术研究中心有限公司,上海 201805
摘要:以某非道路国四大功率挖掘机为对象,采用便携式排放测量系统(portable emmission measurement system, PEMS)测试方法研究其在不同工况实际作业的排放特性,计算基于功率、时间和油耗的气态污染物排放因子,并分析基于时间加权与功基窗口法的气态污染物比排放差异。研究结果表明:挖掘机实际作业工况主要分布在中高转速和负荷区域,行走工况和作业工况下柴油机输出功占总输出功的96%;挖掘机实际作业环境下的油耗特征分布与工况有关,怠速工况的燃油消耗率最高,为408.65 g/(kW·h);怠速工况NOx和CO基于功率的排放因子明显高于行走和作业工况,CO和NOx基于功率、时间、油耗的排放因子在行走和作业工况下基本处于同一水平;冷起动工况下NOx排放因子和NOx排放质量均最大;基于时间加权的气态污染物比排放大于功基窗口法,NOx比排放偏高约1.9倍。
Emission characteristics of a diesel engine for a construction machinery based on PEMS test
LI Yuan, HUANG Yaqiang, HUANG Zhiqiang, KAN Hai, ZHENG Jian
Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Certification & Tech Innovation Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201805, China
Abstract:Based on a China non-road IV diesel engine used by excavator, the portable emission measurement system (PEMS) test method is adopted to study the emission characteristics of the actual operation in different working conditions, the emission factors based on power, time and fuel consumption are calculated, and the difference in specific emission of gaseous pollutonts based on time-weighted and power-based window method is analyzed. Research result shows that the actual operating conditions of the digger are mainly distributed in the medium and high rotating speed and load areas. The output work of diesel engine accounts for 96% of the total output work. The distribution of fuel consumption characteristics in the actual operating environment of the excavator is related to the working conditions, the highest specific fuel consumption in the idle speed condition, for 408.65 g/(kW·h). The power-based emission factors of NOx and CO of idling are significantly higher than the moving and working conditions, CO andNOxemission factors of power, time, fuel consumption are basically at the same level under moving and working conditions. The NOx emission factor and NOx emission mass are the highest under the cold starting condition. The specific emission of gaseous pollutants based on time-weighted are larger than that of the power-based window method, NOxemission is about 1.9 times higher.
Keywords: non-road construction machinery; emission characteristics; PEMS; actual operation