1.山东省机动车排气污染监控中心,山东 济南 250102;
2.青岛无车承运服务中心有限公司,山东 青岛 266000
Detection status and detection methods of NOx emission for heavy-duty diesel vehicles
LIU Zonghao1, LIU Shucheng1*, LIU Jiaang1, MIAO Zhuang2
1. Shandong Motor Vehicle Exhaust Pollution Monitoring Center, Jinan 250102, China;
2. Qingdao Car-free Transportation Service Center Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266000, China
Abstract: Taking heavy-duty diesel vehicles in use in Shandong Province as the research object, this study investigated the application status of regular emission inspection, remote sensing monitoring, and remote monitoring in the regulation of NOxemissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles. The constant speed method and free acceleration method are used to experimentally study the NOxemission characteristics of heavy-duty diesel vehicles. The results show that the NOx emissions measured by two methods, regular emission inspection and remote sensing detection, do not match the actual NOx emissions of heavy-duty diesel vehicles. The NOxemissions measured by remote monitoring are consistent with the actual situation. It is also show that the volume fraction of NOx measured by the constant speed method and the free acceleration method can truly get the emission characteristics of NOx from heavy-duty diesel vehicles, and both can be used for rapid detection of NOx emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles.
Keywords: heavy-duty diesel vehicle; NOxemission; detection method