安徽全柴动力股份有限公司,安徽 滁州 239500
摘要:为改善柴油机冷起动性能,对某排量为2.5 L、采用进气加热器预热的柴油机开展环境温度为-30 ℃极寒条件下的冷起动试验,研究压缩比、节气门开度、预热方式、控制策略等对柴油机冷起动性能的影响。试验结果表明:压缩比为17.0,采用进气加热器时,柴油机加热时间较长,功率消耗大,无法正常起动;增大压缩比和节气门开度,能够提高压缩终了时缸内混合气的压力和温度,改善低温时柴油机的冷起动性能,但效果不佳;采用预热塞预热,柴油机起动迅速,起动时间为3.95 s,可有效提高柴油机冷起动性能;预热塞和燃油油束的相对距离通常设置为0.4~2.0 mm。
Experimental study on low-temperature cold start performance of a diesel engine
LÜ Enyu, YU Lei, ZHU Bo, HE Jie
Anhui Quanchai Power Co., Ltd., Chuzhou 239500, China
Abstract: In order to improve the cold start performance of diesel engine, based on a 2.5 L diesel engine with preheating mode of intake heater, a cold start experiment is carried out under extremely cold ambient temperature of -30 ℃. And the effects of compression ratio, throttle opening, preheating mode and fuel injection control strategy on the cold start performance of diesel engine are studied. The experiment results show that when the compression ratio is 17.0 and the intake heater is used, the diesel engine takes a long time to heat up and consume a lot of power, it cannot be started normally. Increasing the compression ratio and throttle opening can increase the pressure and temperature of the mixture in the cylinder at the end of compression, and improve the cold start performance of diesel engine at low temperature, but the effect is limited. The diesel engine starts quickly with the preheating plug, and the starting time is 3.95 s, which can effectively improve the cold start performance of diesel engine. The relative distance between the glow plug and the fuel beam is usually 0.4-2.0 mm.
Keywords: diesel engine; cold start performance; compression ratio; preheating mode; control strategy; throttle opening