1.山东高速工程检测有限公司,山东 济南 250002;2.山东高速工程项目管理有限公司,山东 济南 250002
摘要:为分析采用快速施工工艺碾压的填石路基的压实质量,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立长方体三维土基模型,模拟分析由36、22 t压路机在500、700 kN 2种激振力下压实填石路基的力学响应;在现场试验路段,采用36 t压路机碾压松铺厚度为75、85 cm的填石路基,26 t压路机碾压松铺厚度为40 cm的填石路基,采用土压力传感器测试土压力,选用孔隙率和沉降差控制路基的压实质量。结果表明:2种激振力下36 t压路机碾压路基后的应力分别为22 t压路机的1.9倍、1.5倍;土压力主要由压路机振动产生,土压力随距路表深度的增大而减小,土压力降幅随距地表深度的增大而减小,现场试验结果与数值模拟结果一致;压路机碾压6遍后,2种松铺厚度路基的孔隙率均小于22%,建议沉降差的控制指标为3.0 mm;采用36 t压路机碾压松铺厚度为85 cm路基的最优工作效率较26 t压路机提高60%,工程成本降低36%。
Rapid construction technology and compaction quality control of rock-filled roadbed
HAN Pei1, LI Xiaoyong1, LI Mengjiao2
1.Shandong Hi-Speed Engineering Test Co., Ltd., Jinan 250002, China;
2. Shandong Hi-Speed Engineering Project Management Co., Ltd., Jinan 250002,China
Abstract:To analyze the compaction quality of stone-filled roadbeds using a rapid construction process, athree-dimensional soil foundation model of a rectangular prism is established using the finite element software ABAQUS. The mechanical response of stone-filled roadbeds compacted with 36-ton and 22-ton rollers under two different vibratory forces of 500 kN and 700 kN is simulated and analyzed. In the field test section, 36-ton roller compactor are used to compact stone-filled roadbeds with loose thicknesses of 75 cm and 85 cm, while a 26-ton roller is used to compact a stone-filled roadbed with a loose thickness of 40 cm. Soil pressure is measured using soil pressure sensors, and compaction quality is controlled based on pore ratio and settlement difference. The results show that the stresses in the compacted roadbeds using 36-ton roller are 1.9 times and 1.5 times higher than those using 22-ton roller under the two different vibratory forces. Soil pressure is mainly generated by the vibration of the roller compactors, which decreases with increasing depth from the road surface. The decrease in soil pressure with depth becomes smaller as the depth from the ground surface increases. The field test results matches the numerical simulation results. After six passes of compaction by the roller compactor, the pore ratio of the roadbeds with both loose thicknesses is less than 22%. The recommended control index for settlement difference is 3.0 mm. The optimal working efficiency of compacting the roadbed with a loose thickness of 85 cm using a 36-ton roller is 60% higher than that of a 26-ton roller, leading to a 36% reduction in construction cost.
Keywords: numerical simulation; rock-filled roadbed; rapid construction; soil pressure; porosity; settlement difference