

作者:刘爽,闫少敏,裴旺  发布时间:2023-12-27   编辑:赵玉真   审核人:郎伟锋    浏览次数:



天津市交通科学研究院,天津  300300



Research on seismic motion in the frequency domain in three-dimensional site based on harmonic response

LIU Shuang, YAN Shaomin*, PEI Wang

Tianjin Transportation Research Institute, Tianjin 300300, China

Abstract:To improve the computational efficiency of frequency-domain calculations for seismic response in three-dimensional (3D) sites, an equivalent nodal force formula is derived based on the engineering wave motion theory for vertical incidents of P-waves, SV-waves, and SH-waves. By utilizing frequency-domain analysis theory and fast Fourier transform algorithms, the time-domain equivalent nodal force formula is transformed into a frequency-domain calculation formula, to enhance the efficiency of 3D frequency-domain calculations. Additionally, a core calculation program for frequency-domain analysis of local site effects is developed using the ANSYS harmonic response analysis module. The frequency-domain calculation results for free-field sites, sedimentary basins, and subsided sites are separately validated. The research findings demonstrate that utilizing harmonic response analysis significantly improves the computational efficiency of seismic response frequencydomain results, while maintaining a high level of accuracy.

Keywords:seismic motion in the frequency domain; frequency domain analysis; local site effect; harmonic response analysis


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