天津市交通科学研究院,天津 300300
Research on seismic motion in the frequency domain in three-dimensional site based on harmonic response
LIU Shuang, YAN Shaomin*, PEI Wang
Tianjin Transportation Research Institute, Tianjin 300300, China
Abstract:To improve the computational efficiency of frequency-domain calculations for seismic response in three-dimensional (3D) sites, an equivalent nodal force formula is derived based on the engineering wave motion theory for vertical incidents of P-waves, SV-waves, and SH-waves. By utilizing frequency-domain analysis theory and fast Fourier transform algorithms, the time-domain equivalent nodal force formula is transformed into a frequency-domain calculation formula, to enhance the efficiency of 3D frequency-domain calculations. Additionally, a core calculation program for frequency-domain analysis of local site effects is developed using the ANSYS harmonic response analysis module. The frequency-domain calculation results for free-field sites, sedimentary basins, and subsided sites are separately validated. The research findings demonstrate that utilizing harmonic response analysis significantly improves the computational efficiency of seismic response frequencydomain results, while maintaining a high level of accuracy.
Keywords:seismic motion in the frequency domain; frequency domain analysis; local site effect; harmonic response analysis