

作者:袁梦  发布时间:2023-12-27   编辑:赵玉真   审核人:郎伟锋    浏览次数:



苏交科集团股份有限公司,江苏 南京  211112

摘要:为构建低噪声环境,研究沥青混凝土吸声降噪性能的影响因素,在1/3倍频程中心频率共12个频率下对开级配抗滑磨耗层(open graded friction course,OGFC)OGFC-13、多孔沥青混凝土(porous asphalt concrete,PAC)PAC-13、马蹄脂碎石沥青混凝土(stone mastic asphalt,SMA)SMA-13、悬浮密实型级配沥青混凝土(asphalt concrete,AC)AC-13进行驻波管试验,分析沥青混凝土自身特征及水对沥青混凝土吸声降噪性能的影响。试验结果表明:沥青混凝土的空隙级配越大、表面构造纹理越丰富、试件厚度越大,沥青混凝土的吸声降噪性能越好;饱水状态下大空隙沥青混凝土的吸声降噪系数大幅衰减。


perimental study on factors affecting the sound absorption and noise reduction performance of asphalt concrete


JSTI Group,Nanjing 211112,China

Abstract:In order to construct a low-noise environment, the factors influencing the sound-absorbing and noise-reducing performance of asphalt concrete are studied. Experimental study are conducted using four types of asphalt concrete layers:open graded friction course (OGFC-13), porous asphalt concrete (PAC-13), stone mastic asphalt (SMA-13), and dense-graded asphalt concrete (AC-13). The tests are carried out at 12 different frequencies within the 1/3-octave band center frequency. The aim is to analyze the impact of asphalt concrete properties and water on the sound-absorbing and noise-reducing performance. The results of the experiments show that asphalt concrete with larger void gradation, richer surface texture, and greater specimen thickness exhibit better sound-absorbing and noise-reducing performance. When saturated with water, asphalt concrete with larger voids experiences a significant attenuation in its sound-absorbing and noise-reducing coefficient.

Keywords:road noise; sound-absorbing coefficient; noise-reducing coefficient; asphalt mixture


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