山东省交通科学研究院,山东 济南 250102
A quantitative method of night traffic noise impact considering multiple factors
WEI Shanshan, LIANG Jing, WANG Lin
Shandong Provincial Transportation Institute,Jinan 250102,China
Abstract:In view of the impact of night traffic noise on residents, a questionnaire is used to investigate residents′ subjective feelings about night traffic noise. The survey shows that residents′ subjective feelings are related to noise intensity, residents′ age, residents′ physical health, housing location, the living years of the house and other factors. A quantitative model for the influence of night traffic noise is established by integrating the types of night acoustic environment functional areas, night traffic noise intensity, the number of exposed population and the coefficient of house living years in the frontage area.Taking the night muck trucking in Haidian District of Beijing as an example, the optimal trucking routes are different due to different objectives. When the optimal trucking routes with the objective of minimizing fuel and time consumption, then the noise impact is relatively bad, if the objective is to minimize noise, the routes of muck trucking have to avoid densely populated areas and hospital areas, therefore, the cost of time and fuel consumption is relatively high.
Keywords:traffic noise of night; functional area of acoustic environment; quantification model; trucking route