淄博淄柴新能源有限公司,山东 淄博 255000
摘要:为降低燃气发电机组试验台NOx排放,对发电机组试验台尾气排放系统进行改造,在原台架结构基础上,增设选择性催化还原脱硝系统脱除NOx。脱硝系统包含自动化控制系统、尿素计量喷射及储存系统、烟气混合及催化反应系统、压缩空气系统4个子系统。试运行结果表明,经脱硝处理后,最高NOx排放为23 mg/m3,满足设计要求;氨逃逸排放为2.0~4.5 mg/m3,符合本地区对氨逃逸量的要求;机组运行过程中,距脱硝设备1 m处噪声为75.0~77.6 dB,满足设计要求;机组运行成本为0.020 8元/(kW·h)。该脱硝系统可有效降低试验台燃气发电机组的NOx排放。
Design and operation of flue gas denitration system for gas electric generator test bench
LI Qian, LIANG Jiehui, LI Shengqiang, ZHANG Lin, LI Feng
Zibo Zichai New Energy Co., Ltd., Zibo 255000, China
Abstract:In order to reduce the NOx emission of the gas generator unit test bench, the smoke exhaust system is modified. On the basis of the original bench structure, a selective catalytic reduction denitration system is added to remove NOx. Denitration system includes four subsystems: automatic control system, urea metering injection and storage system, flue gas mixing and catalytic reaction system, compressed air system. According to the test run, the maximum NOx emission after denitration treatment is 23 mg/m3, meet the design requirements. The ammonia escape is 2.0-4.5 mg/m3, meet the local requirements for ammonia escape. During the operation of the unit, the noise at the place 1 m away from the denitration equipment is 75.0-77.6 dB, which meets the design requirements.It has been proved that the denitration system can effectively reduces NOx emissions of the test bench gas generator unit.
Keywords:gas electric generator; test bench; SCR denitration equipment; NOx emission; ammonia escape