1.辽宁省公路勘测设计公司,辽宁 沈阳 110006;
2.天津大学建筑工程学院,天津 300072
Analysis and countermeasures of freezing damage at the tunnel portal section operation in cold region
WANG Xiaoyu1,YANG Mingyu2*
1.Liaoning Provincial Highway Survey & Design Company,Shenyang 110006,China;
2.School of Architectural Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract:To solve the freezing damage problem of highway tunnels in cold region, the freezing damage mechanism and the types of freezing damage at the tunnel entrance are analyzed according to the temperature monitoring data of different hole depths at the three hole positions of the tunnel vault, side wall and pavement during the freezingthawing period. The results show that the temperature of the side wall extending from the secondary lining surface to the deep part of the surrounding rock gradually increases, and the temperature of the vault extending from the lining surface to the deep part increases firstly and then decreases, and the temperature of the pavement extending from the edge surface of the tunnel to the deep part of the surrounding rock gradually increases. In bithe freezing season, the temperature of the entrance section is lower than the freezing point, and the risk of freezing damage is high, which can easily cause the freezing of the circumferential drainage system in the entrance section, the collapse of the upward slope at the top of the tunnel due to freezing and thawing, the cracking of the secondary lining, the leakage of the lining and the ice on the road surface, etc. By comparing and analyzing the temperatures of different measuring holes at the same depth, the vault temperature of tunnel entrance section is less than that of side wall and pavement. When taking antifreezing measures for the tunnel entrance section, the antifreezing measures for the roof, side wall, drainage system and pavement of the shallow buried section should be done successively. According to different types of diseases, the following methods are adopted: strengthening the frost resistance grade of lining structure, adding insulation board, grouting surrounding rock to prevent water, increasing the temperature in tunnel, increasing the heat of groundwater, keeping heat and insulating with electric tracing, and burying the central drainage ditch deeply. The monitoring results show that the thermal insulation properties of each structure in the tunnel entrance section is good, which can provide scientific basis for designing the prevention and control program of freezing damage in the tunnel entrance section of similar project.
Keywords:tunnel in cold region; freezing damage; temperature monitoring; antifreezing measure