

作者:赵文彬,齐伟,胡琦山,云峰,王有治  发布时间:2022-03-24   编辑:赵玉真   审核人:郎伟锋    浏览次数:



1.内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室山东 潍坊  261061;

2.潍柴动力股份有限公司发动机研究院山东 潍坊  261061

摘要:在满足可靠性的前提下对发动机机体加强板进行轻量化设计。采用SolidThinking Inspire软件对不同机体加强板方案进行选型,对比分析不同缸数、不同位置的机体加强板的第一阶模态频率,综合评估质量与刚度,确认采用第2、3缸机体加强板方案。采用Inspire软件对机体加强板进行拓扑优化和三维重建,同时考虑工艺性与量产要求,确定机体加强板的轻量化设计方案,其模态频率达到单独机体的1.5倍,与传统模型的模态频率相当,且质量比传统设计模型轻35%,刚度与可靠性满足要求。

关键词:机体加强板;SolidThingking Inspire;模态频率;轻量化

Lightweight design of engine ladder frame

ZHAO Wenbin1,2, QI Wei1,2, HU Qishan1,2, YUN Feng1,2, WANG Youzhi1,2

1.State Key Laboratory of Engine Reliability, Weifang 261061,China;

2.R&D Center, Weichai Power Co., Ltd., Weifang 261061,China

Abstract:In order to balance the rigidity and weight of engine, SolidThinking Inspire software is adopted to optimize the design of the ladder frame. The ladder frames of second and third cylinders are adopted comparing the first order modal frequency, mass and stiffness for different positions. Topological optimization and 3D rebuilt are used for the structure design of the ladder frames, the manufacturability and lightweight are also considered. The modal frequency of the final ladder frame is 1.5 times than single block which is the same as the original design, while the mass is 35% lighter.

Keywords: ladder frame; SolidThinking Inspire; modal frequency; lightweight


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