1.潍柴动力股份有限公司发动机研究院,山东 潍坊 261061;
2.潍柴动力空气净化科技有限公司,山东 潍坊 261061
Experimental study on cold starting performance of diesel engine at different altitudes
WANG Xia1, CHEN Yuechun1, LI Suting2, PANG Gang1,YANG Yaran1, PANG Xin1, YANG Fan1
1.R&D Center,Weichai Power Co.,Ltd.,Weifang 261061,China;
2.Weichai Power Emission Solutions Technology Co.,Ltd.,Weifang 261061,China
Abstract:In order to study the effect of cold starting performance of diesel engine, a heavyduty electrically controlled high pressure common rail diesel engine is tested under the same low temperature and different altitudes by using a simulated highaltitude environmental testbench. The starting performance and combustion difference of the diesel engine at different elevations are compared. The results show that the number of cycles needed to reach the end mark of starting increases and the starting time is longer with the increase of altitude in the same temperature. At high altitude, there is no obvious burning sign in the cylinder for the first cycle of starting process, and the ratio of two peak combustion in the cylinder increases before starting at low altitude. The position corresponding to the starting point of combustion in the cylinder gradually approaches the compression top dead center with the elevation increasing.
Keywords:diesel engine;cold starting performance; combustion heat release law; cylinder pressure